Contact Us
In this section, you should be able to find all the contact information you need for our school. Whether you’re coming to see us in person, want to send an email, send us your questions or give us a call, everything you need to get in touch is below.
We would love to hear from you to discuss what your child needs to thrive.
You can contact us with any questions about our school or the registration process, or you can fill out this inquiry form and we will contact you.

In-Person Tour
If you want to schedule an in-person tour, please fill out this form, selecting the best time of your convenience. We will be waiting for you at the school to demonstrate our commitment to excellence within our program, facilities, and staff.
Virtual Tour
If you want to schedule a virtual tour, please contact the school directly to coordinate the tour at the best time convenient for both parties. The school will call you, and we will show you our facilities through zoom or facetime, as you prefer. Feel free to call us.
Complete the form below
Know Us
Visit our social media sites:
For a great overview of our environment, classrooms, curriculum and amazing VESS culture, check out our social media links and have a sneak peek of our daily day. We know you’ll come running right in after you see us in action!
See our virtual tour; you can have a quick look at our facilities.